Monday, October 5, 2009

Common Electronics Problems and Solutions

Problem: The disc will not eject on the DVD player.

Unplug the DVD player and then plug it in again. This will reset the player and the disc should eject.

Problem: The CD/DVD skips and the picture quality is terrible.

Compact discs/DVD discs will malfunction if dirty or scratched. To clean the disc, use a soft cloth and wipe in a radial direction. Never use solvents to clean a disc.

Problem: There is no sound coming from the speakers (receiver).

The most common solution is to check the ‘input mode’ – the most common selections are ‘analog’, ‘co-axil’ and ‘optical’. If a component, i.e. DVD player, is connected via an optical cable, there will be no audio if the receiver is not set to ‘optical’.

Problem: The receiver/stereo has no power.

First check the power source, if it is plugged in, then unplug the speakers and the unit then plug back in (this will reset the ‘protect mode’ on many receivers).

Problem: The music system (or mini system) keeps turning itself on.

There are 2 possible solutions: 1. Ensure the clock is set properly or 2. Take the unit out of ‘demo mode’.

Problem: There is no sound coming from the subwoofer.

Many older movies do not have a subwoofer channel, therefore there will be no sound.

Problem: The television will not receive channels past 13.

Ensure that the ‘CATV’ switch is selected.

Problem: There is a burned in image on the television (projection TV).

Projection TVs will develop this problem if a stagnant (non-moving) image is left on the screen. Do not leave video games on pause, or keep the TV tuned to any stagnant image.

Problem: The television’s brightness alters when I play video games (projection TV).

When playing video games, the brightness should be turned down so as not to damage the TV.

Problem: A rental video tape/DVD is stuck in the player.

The video store should be notified of the problem and the unit should be taken in for repair, rather than attempting to open the player and remove the stuck video or DVD. Repairs by non-factory trained technicians are not recommended and may result in further damage. The video store may extend the rental time if informed of the problem.

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